Tag Archives: Ravelry

Busy Knitting

I have not posted much in the past month because I have been buy knitting. One of the the young ladies at work, who is also the mother of a toddler, had a new baby a couple of months ago. Another younger lady is expecting a child sometime within the next month. I have been busy knitting them some washcloths. In addition to cloths for the babies, I am making some for the toddler, using favorite colors.

Here are some group pictures of the cloths:

Light Colored Cloths

Here is a picture of the darker cloths:


Dark Colored Cloths


The patterns I used are: Basket Rib Cloth and Hills and Valleys

If you want more details about them, my Ravelry ID is scrunchyy.  The pictures there are a lot easier to see and show the colors a lot better.