Tag Archives: Good Causes

Another Scarf

I am one of those people who cannot seem to stand only having one project being worked on at one time. In typical fashion, I have another scarf for the Red Scarf Project on the needles.

red scarf

This is one of the softest scarves I have ever made. I am using Caron Simply Soft White and Yarn Bee Infatuation in Rouge. There are 20 stitches on # 15 needles and is 6 3/4 inches wide. These yarns are a good combination. The next scarf will have fewer stitches to make it less wide.

2007 Knitting and Crochet Goals

I have been thinking about my goals related to knitting and crocheting for the upcoming year. This includes projects to finish and do; books and other items to buy; changes to make to my blogs; and new yarns/threads to try.

I would like to finish:

    • Weaving in loose ends on and mail squares for a group project in which I am participating.
    • The scarf on my needles for the Red Scarf Project
    • The pair of socks started last year
    • An afghan for myself started a couple of years ago.

Some items I would like to buy are:

    • A digital camera.

Here is a list of books I want to add to my collection of fiber related books:

    • Any and all of the Harmony Guide to Knitting found here or here

Most of the fiber related tools and books will come from a favorite LYS or nearby bookstore.

I want to try out some of the novelty yarns that I have not been able to purchase while I was not working. The list is long and will change as I explore some LYS’s and other places.

Another goal is to post to all of my blogs more regularly and often. Purchasing a digital camera will make it possible to post pictures of projects while making them and once they are done.

Some of the items I want to make this year are:

    • Scarves for the Red Scarf project
    • At least one more pair of socks after completing the unfinished pair
    • At least a dozen dishcloths for my sister
    • More dishcloths for my household
    • Keeping up with the Monthly Dishcloth KAL
    • Trying out patterns in my copy of the Mason Dixon Book that I have not yet tried.

This list does not include other items made that go to charities. My philosophy is to keep charity giving a private matter, with two exceptions. The first is my support of the Red Scarf project. The second is that I will discuss it with a charity related online group to which I belong.
Some techniques I would like to learn or improve my skills with are:

    • Knitting lace. This might be a scarf or shawl. I don’t know yet, but my favorite LYS will be able to help with this project.
    • Tunisian Crochet
    • Sock making
    • Use of double pointed knitting needles
    • Intarsia knitting and crochet

The year 2007 promises to be a very busy people and fiber filled year. It sounds like fun. :)

What about yours?