Daily Archives: February 16, 2015

New and Old Friends

As I mentioned before, one of the goals of my Cotton Projects is that I use at least one “new to me” pattern a week. The few days  in January were busy. I made four dishcloths and three of the them were from patterns I have never used before.

Here are the cloths I made from patterns I have never tried before.

They were all fun to make and uniquely gorgeous.

The link to Joan Hamer’s e-book is here: Dozen Dishcloths to Knit I made it from a cone of original White Peaches and Creme yarn. I am delighted with this pattern and will be making the remaining eleven from this book.  If you are on Ravelry you might consider taking a look at the other patterns she has designed.

Variable Star is from  Leisure Arts  #5568 Knit Dishcloths by Julie Ray. I used Baby Green from the original Peaches and Creme. In person it is a delicate looking square.

Simple is from Dishcloth Diva by Deb Buckingham. I used  the original  Peaches and Creme Dark Purple Ombre for this cloth. The pattern is lost in the color of the yarn.

I like the amount of texture in each of these patterns and will be using them again.

The one dishcloth I made from a familiar pattern is below:Squishy1b

I used Hills and Valleys which can be found on this blog. It is a favorite of my husband because it is soft.  I like it because it holds its shape and  is squishy. It is also made on the diagonal which allows the size to be changed easily.  The yarn, OD Spice is also one of the softest feeling colorways made by the makers of the original Peaches and Creme.

Please come back as I share my journey of using my cotton yarn stash.