Daily Archives: May 28, 2007

Blog and Knitting Ignored

I started a slipper sock a little more than a week ago, but about and inch or two into it decided the yarn was better suited for a scarf. All I could think of while knitting it was that the yarn would be a wonderful addition to a multi stranded scarf because of its nice warm brown/orange color and softness. The yarn kept telling me it wanted to be a scarf and not slippers.  Years of experience with fibers have taught me to listen to my gut intuition and the fibers with which I am working.  The slipper sock no longer exists. In its place is an empty set of #7 DPN’s and some unused yarn.

Most of life has been temporarily placed on hold for the past couple of weeks due to some health issues.Between the health issue and a grueling work schedule it has been hard to plan long term projects. I will not bore those of you who read this with the details, except to say that your prayers for safety and protection during a procedure this coming Friday would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully, life will return to some state of normalcy very soon.