Monthly Archives: November 2008

Busy and Having Fun

The past couple of weeks have been busy, especially on the knitting front. I have been involved in making Ballband Cloths as part of a contest for a Ravelry group to which I belong. This has been taking as much time as I could spare. I did not get as many  cloths  made as I wanted to,but still had a lot of fun. One of my goals, which I met,  was to play around with color combinations and to try out shades of yarn I might not normally use. That was fun. There are still some color combinations I want to try, but they are on hold for now. It is time to turn my attention to other projects.

One of the things needing my attention is  a baby blanket as a gift for an acquaintance. The blanket is found here . It is being made with Shades of Spring. I have not decided if it going to have the crocheted border or not. It is an easy knit which is progressing fairly quickly. I started off using a 32 inch circular needle but have moved up to a 60 inch one to allow enough space for the growing number of stitches. This was a wise decision. I will post pictures once it is completed.

I finally got around to posting pictures of a Comfortghan I made for a friend who lost her son more than a year ago. The afghan is made from Red Heartv yarn in Paddy Dreen and Aran. The square is of my own design. It was a very special gift for a very special lady.

Have a fantastic week!


In the scope of life this is a minor thing, but at the moment it is a big issue. My Flickr Photo Album is working. I had to install Java in order to access a Chat Room for a knitting group to which I belong. After doing that, it dawned on me to check to see if that action made a difference on this blog. It did.  the one Photo Album I still have up is now  functioning properly!  I learned something I did not know before today. The next time there is a problem on this order I will double check to see if Java has been installed.

There are new Ballband cloths posted as of today. Take a look at them if you want. The ones I make are fairly small to meet my own needs and wants. The pattern is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. The possibilities are endless, in terms of size and color combinations.

Have a fantastic Day!!