Monthly Archives: September 2009

Good Bye Mr.White

The local St. Louis paper announced the death of Jim White, a radio personality who retired from KMOX radio about ten years ago on Wednesday,  September 2. This was sad news for me. I spent many an hour listening to him as a young adult. He kept me awake  as I drove home from pulling evening shifts at a local hospital. He kept me company once I arrived home. Many nights I fell asleep listening to his voice and those of his guests. Many times he challenged my thinking. He talked about the importance of having more than one  hobby; of family and loving life. He was involved in the community and taught the importance of giving back to it by example.

His self given nickname was "The Big Bimper". He said this was related to his size and the shift he worked. It was a reference to "things that go bump in the night. "

In my opinion he ranks right up there with other KMOX greats: Bob Hyland, John McCormick, Jack Buck, Bob Hardy and Jack Carney.

When he retired, I felt sad,because that time slot on KMOX would never be the same. It wasn't.
At the same time, I was happy for him. He was taking time to enjoy his hobbies and the rest of his life. He was going to have more time to enjoy his family. He was embarking on a new adventure.

I still think of him  when  "things go bump in the night."

Wednesday he left this world for the next.

Good Bye, Mr. White. Thank you for all of the lessons you taught. Thank you for all of the memories.

May you enjoy eternity. :)