About Me

About Me

My roles in life include being a wife; a home school parent; an RN, and a member of the community. I am a Christian.

My primary role is that of wife and mother. We became a homeschooling family in 2000 in response to our child’s need. Our decision was not made lightly and was done after prayer, soul searching and obtaining counsel of trusted people. Our only regrets are that we did not do this before sending our child to school.

Homeschooling is not something we do during specified hours of the day, but instead is a lifestyle. Our philosophy is that learning is a lifelong process.

I am also an avid knitter and crocheter who has enjoyed both arts for more than 40 years. I can and will knit or crochet almost anything that suits my wants or needs. I will alter a pattern to suit my needs or wants and have written a few of my own. I enjoy writing and doing research about anything that interests my family, friends or myself.

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